From : Industrial Relations Office To : All Regular Staff Date : July 3rd, 2019 21.Sub : Introduction of hourly-rate employees. Effective July 10th, thirty new employees will begin working in our production plant on an hourly-rate basis. This is an experiment to determine whether hourly employment would give better results for all aspects of our enterprise. The new employees know that they are part of an experiment. Management encourages regular staff to discuss the program among themselves and with the new employees. After six months, we will assess the program to learn any lessons it may have for us. Meanwhile, we welcome staff comment. What can be said about the new employees?
- They will be part of an experiment.
- They will be paid the same as regular staff.
- They will work longer hours than regular staff.
- They will work different hours from regular staff
- Semua jawaban benar
Jawaban: A. They will be part of an experiment..
Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, from : industrial relations office to : all regular staff date : july 3rd, 2019 21.sub : introduction of hourly-rate employees. effective july 10th, thirty new employees will begin working in our production plant on an hourly-rate basis. this is an experiment to determine whether hourly employment would give better results for all aspects of our enterprise. the new employees know that they are part of an experiment. management encourages regular staff to discuss the program among themselves and with the new employees. after six months, we will assess the program to learn any lessons it may have for us. meanwhile, we welcome staff comment. what can be said about the new employees they will be part of an experiment..
Kemudian, Buk Guru sangat menyarankan siswa sekalian untuk membaca pertanyaan selanjutnya yaitu Masa jabatan anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Agung periode 1998-2003 secara resmi dibubarkan. Pembubaran anggota lembaga tinggi negara ini dilakukan dalam rapat di Kantor DPA, Jakarta, Kamis (31/7). Rapat ini juga sekaligus membahas penempatan ratusan karyawan DPA, yang hingga kini belum jelas posisinya. Sementara hasil rapat menyetujui untuk menitipkan 241 karyawan DPA ke berbagai instansi.Wakil Ketua DPA Agus Sudono mengatakan, DPA periode reformasi memang telah menutup segala aktivitasnya. Tapi secara kelembagaan, DPA masih tetap ada dan masih menunggu undang-undang untuk resmi membubarkannya. Sebab, DPA hanya bisa dibubarkan oleh MPR dan melalui UU. Sedangkan keputusan presiden hanya memberhentikan masa jabatan anggota DPA periode 1998-2003. Proses pembubaran DPA merupakan salah satu peristiwa yang tidak dapat dibubarkan karena lembaga tersebut termasuk lembaga tertinggi Negara yang salah satu tugasnya memberi nasehat kepada Presiden dan Wakil Presiden dalam menjalan tugasnya. Alasan pembubaran Dewan Pertimbangan Agung tersebut adalah? dengan penjelasan jawaban dan pembahasan yang lengkap.